“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.”

Colossians 3:1 ESV

Weekly Gatherings
Sunday Morning @ 9am | Sunday Evening @ 6:30pm

C3Students is the ministry to 6th-12th grade students at Chesterfield Community Church! The purpose of C3Students is to produce and release students who KNOW Jesus personally, LOVE Jesus supremely, and FOLLOW Jesus wholeheartedly. Whether we’re goofing around playing games, meeting up for weekly small group Bible study, or going to events, camp or Disciple Now, everything we do is funneled through this purpose.

Want to get plugged in?? Check out our gatherings and annual events! ALL ARE WELCOME!

For more information, contact our Student Pastor
Logan Mills | logan@chesterfieldcommunity.org

Follow our Student Ministry on social media!

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