Ladies Getting to Know You

Ladies, please join us Tuesday evening, Sep. 26th at 7-8:30 pm in the Genesis Room, for our Women's Ministry kick-off event for a coffee, tea, and dessert fellowship! RSVP by 9/24 at The HUB or call the church office 314-469-3255.

Golf Outing

7 am at Bear Creek Golf Course in Wentzville. $50 per person, shotgun start. Contact David Haynes for more information. Lunch afterwards at Sugarfire Barbecue in Wentzville. Contact Tom Mitchell if you will be joining us for lunch. CCC Office - 314-469-3255.

Kidz Ministry Meet & Greet

For all families with children 5 years old and under please join us on Saturday, October 7 from 10:30 -11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall to meet some of our teachers and families. Enjoy a time of snacks, crafts and fellowship as we build stronger relationships together. Please RSVP with Jannah or the CCC office. […]

CCC Women’s Outreach

We are collecting canned goods for Operation Storehouse food pantry that serves the local community. Please place your donations in the tub at The HUB before October 14. Also CCC has a team of 16 volunteers for Feed My Starving Children on Saturday, Oct. 14 at Gateway Christian Church from 9:30-11:45 am. This shift is […]

Church Picnic at Central Park in Chesterfield

Join us for a fall picnic at Chesterfield Central Park - located at 16365 Lydia Hill Dr. Chesterfield, 63017. Sign up at The HUB to help by bringing food. Sign ups start Sunday, October 1.

Men’s Breakfast & Workday

CALLING ALL MEN: Join us for breakfast on Nov. 4 at 8 am in the Fellowship Hall! We’re also trying to put together a WORK DAY that morning to accomplish some projects around the church.

Operation Christmas Child (OCC)

OCC is a ministry of Samaritan Purse that delivers the gospel message to children all over the world through shoeboxes filled with gifts for Christmas! There are THREE WAYS you can get involved: 1) Donate GIFTS to be packed in shoeboxes at The HUB, 2) Pack your own shoeboxes online or in-person, or 3) Donate […]

Retirement Celebration for Randy Shuler

You’re invited to a retirement celebration honoring Pastor Randy and Caryn Shuler on Sunday, Nov. 19 at 4:30 pm. More details coming soon.

Christmas Boutique Saturday, Dec. 2 

Looking for a unique, one-of-a kind gift? Looking to support small businesses? Looking to invest in a local ministry? Come shop the Annual Christmas Boutique on Saturday,  Dec. 2, from 10 am - 3 pm. All purchases will benefit the Kids Christmas Workshop at LifePoint Church in Florissant ~ James & Denise Miller’s church. Everyone […]

Women’s Christmas Brunch

Jesus - The Reason for the Season! Join us for brunch! 10:30 am - noon on Saturday, Dec. 9 at CCC in the Genesis Room. Bring a new tea/kitchen towel, wrapped or bagged, for a gift exchange. Cost of the event is $10. Pay online, or drop it in the offering - just mark it […]