Missing Mother’s Day

This is a time of grieving and celebration for women who have experienced a wound in their journey of motherhood. Whether you are suffering the loss of your child, (miscarriage, stillbirth, infant or child death, adoption loss, abortion, etc.) struggling with infertility, have a child with special needs, or simply cannot conceive due to illness […]

Mom and Daughter Movie Night

Moms and daughters (6th grade and up) are invited. Join us for a night of food, fellowship, fun, and a great movie. More information can be found at the HUB.

Day of Compassion

We will have a table in the foyer to share about Compassion International. They are a Christian charity dedicated to releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

Moms In Prayer Impact Missouri – Victorious In Christ Conference

All ladies at CCC are invited to learn more about praying for the children in their lives.  This is a great resource to pray for our kiddos, at any age, but especially to start when they are young so Moms know you aren't alone.  God has called you to be a Mom and will equip […]

Baby Dedication Sunday

Calling all parents of babies or younger kids who have not had the opportunity to be dedicated! We plan to do a baby dedication on Sunday, June 9 during the 10:30 am service. Usually, this time is meant to specifically dedicate babies, however we have been made aware that, due to Covid, some of our […]

Vacation Bible School – GLOW

You're invited to join our Vacation Bible School! GLOW - God's Love Our Work For children ages 4 years old through completed fifth grade. Register here. Age appropriate Bible lessons, games and activities looking at the life of Peter.

Promotion Sunday

Sunday, August 18 - our kids will move up to their new fall grade level classes. If you have any questions about this please contact the church office office@chesterfieldcommunity.org 

CCC Discovery Class 2 Part Format

Chesterfield Community Church 14647 Ladue Rd, Chesterfield

Interested in learning more about CCC? Ready to join the CCC family as members? Come to our two-part Discovery Class starting on Sunday, August 18 & 25 at 9 am. Children’s and youth classes are available at that time as well. Please email the church office to RSVP at office@chesterfieldcommunity.org to help us prepare.