
Disciple Now (DNOW) - is an annual event where 6-12th grade students spend the weekend in host homes, worshipping Jesus together, spending time in Bible study, and doing a bunch of crazy fun things. Cost $40. Contact Logan with questions logan@chesterfieldcommunity.org  

Daylight Savings Time

Reminder: set your clocks ahead one hour before bed. You don't want to be late for church.

Good Friday Service

Please join us for a Good Friday service. More details coming soon. No childcare or classes will be provided, so everyone can worship together.

Easter Sunday

Please join us for our Easter Sunday brunch!

Women’s Annual Spring Retreat

April 5 & 6, 2024 at Chesterfield Community Church Friday: 5-9 pm, box supper included, event begins at 6:15 pm  Saturday: 8:45 am - 4:15 pm Cost: $25 Friday night only, $35 Saturday only, or $55 for both Friday & Saturday  Scholarships available. Sign up at the Hub, SignUpGenius.com, or on the CCC website. Faith […]

Men’s Golf Outing

Bear Creek Golf Outing, more details coming soon.

Missing Mother’s Day

This is a time of grieving and celebration for women who have experienced a wound in their journey of motherhood. Whether you are suffering the loss of your child, (miscarriage, stillbirth, infant or child death, adoption loss, abortion, etc.) struggling with infertility, have a child with special needs, or simply cannot conceive due to illness […]

Mom and Daughter Movie Night

Moms and daughters (6th grade and up) are invited. Join us for a night of food, fellowship, fun, and a great movie. More information can be found at the HUB.

Day of Compassion

We will have a table in the foyer to share about Compassion International. They are a Christian charity dedicated to releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.