Feed My Starving Children – Outreach Opportunity Saturday, Oct. 12

You’re invited to join us for a mobile pack event for Feed My Starving Children on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 9:30 - 11:45 am at Gateway Christian Church, 1951 Des Peres Rd., St. Louis, MO. 63131. We will assemble meal kits that will be sent to feed hungry children around the world. If you would […]

Office Closed

The CCC office will be closed on Monday, October 14.

Church Picnic – Central Park in Chesterfield

Join us Sunday, after worship at Central Park in Chesterfield for lunch and an afternoon of fun and fellowship. Central Park has so much to offer, playground equipment for children, walking trails, and covered seating for enjoying time with friends old and new.  Bring a chair, a friend, and relax at the park.

Men’s Breakfast

Saturday, August 3 at 8 am. All men are invited to attend.

Pie and Praise

Mark your calendars to come celebrate God’s faithfulness at "Pie and Praise" on Sunday, November 24th, at 6pm. We will worship together, observe the Lord’s Supper together, and enjoy PIE together.

Annual Christmas Boutique

Do you make, create, or craft items to sell? Do you run a small business? Would you consider being a vendor for our Annual Christmas Boutique on December 7th? New this year we are having a silent auction. Donations from various local businesses will be up for auction with all proceeds going to help victims […]

Angel Tree Gifts

Support children of parents who are incarcerated in Missouri prisons and who are involved in the Mission Gate ministry through Bible study and discipleship. Stop by the tree in the foyer and select a gift tag, sign your name on the clipboard, purchase age appropriate gifts (spend around $25), wrap and return the gift with […]

Ladies Christmas Brunch

Join us as we BOW before the Father, celebrating the GIFT of Jesus! We will have brunch, hear from a guest speaker, and participate in the gift exchange of Christmas socks! They can be cute, fun, and/or cozy. Bring a new pair of socks, all rolled up and tied off with ribbon (no wrapping paper […]

Baby Shower for Mallory Hairston

You are invited to a baby shower in honor of the newest addition to the Hairston family, Ella Jane. Please join us on Sunday, Dec 15, from 2 - 4 pm in the Genesis Room. This will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Ella Jane’s soon-to-be arrival and to shower Mallory and Ella with our […]

Civic Impact Group – How to overturn Amendment 3

Abolishing abortion is not a political/partisan issue as much as it a kingdom issue near to God’s heart. Sadly, Amendment 3 has passed in Missouri allowing abortion to be written into our state constitution. Looking for information about how to fight this decision? Come to Room 206 (lower youth room) on Dec 19 at 7 […]